Friday, January 22, 2010

Rahm Emanuel's First Amendment Rap

Cut together by yours truly.  The beat was actually in the background.  I added the funky effect to it.

Yeah.  It's cheesy.  But it gets the point across.  Not only do Cass Sunstein and Mark Loyd think the First Amendment is "overrated" (foxnews *cough* talkradio *cough* except for "air america") .... so does Rahm Emanuel.

Here's Mark Loyd talking about how Chavez's revolution failed the first time around because he didn't take the Venezuelan media seriously.  Apparently doesn't want our Progressives to make the same mistake.


Cylar said...

Isn't it funny that now the czars are the ones on the communist side of the aisle? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.

philmon said...

You know, I never actually thought of that.

Though when you think about it, the czars were rulers. The Communists told everyone how oppressive the czars were. And promised everyone a "democracy".

And what they got was ... the Communist version of czars. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

No. Actually, worse.

philmon said...

You know, I never actually thought of that.

Though when you think about it, the czars were rulers. The Communists told everyone how oppressive the czars were. And promised everyone a "democracy".

And what they got was ... the Communist version of czars. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

No. Actually, worse.