(note: Morgan, ignore this post. It is basically a SNUL post. ;-) )
Queue "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" theme. With jingling bells instead of the rattle-snake sound.
This is kind of a "keep alive" post to let people know I'm still here. But my priorities change for a few weeks this time of year, and unless I'm really inspired by something, it gets mighty quiet around here.
It's a bit of a ghost town around here. But I'm sure after the new year I'll be more persistent.
I take advantage of others' blogs during this time, as I seem to have time to comment on them. So if you want to look at my "latest" non-post, comment post .... look no further than here.
A significant number of my posts have started out as comments on other peoples' blogs. But I'm in good company. Bill Whittle's entire blogging career, which led to his book Silent America, Afterburner (archived at PJTV), and his current (excellent, Excellent, EXCELLENT) Firewall series.... started out as a couple of comments on (an older incarnation of) Rachel Lucas' blog.
I'll never be as famous as Bill. Hell, I'll never be as famous as Morgan. But my shingle's still here. It just has Christmas Lights lining the edge right now.
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