Tuesday, August 16, 2011

He Hunted Down and Killed Bin Laden

Wow. Just saw a political ad aimed at Obama, praising him for various things before urging him to do something about AIDS.  The ad states that Obama "hunted down and killed Bin Laden."

One can imagine Barack in Rambo gear, personally covering the terrain -- hiding behind trees and under water with blood streaming from his scrapes and bruises -- tattered camoflage clothes dripping with sweat, and M16 in hand, pointed up, held close to his body ... finally aiming and pulling the trigger for the kill shot...

Hey, at least they know where to go to get to him.  Straight to the ego.


Cylar said...

Yeah, and John Kerry was a "war hero." Did such valiant service to our country on the Swift Boats, especially in 1968 in Cambodia when Richard Nixon was president.

The audacity of the way the Democrats try to position their candidates...it boggles the mind. It would be like marketing Pepsi or Sarah Lee products as weight-loss supplements.

jeffmon said...

One can imagine Barack in Rambo gear, personally covering the terrain -- hiding behind trees and under water with blood streaming from his scrapes and bruises -- tattered camoflage clothes dripping with sweat, and M16 in hand, pointed up, held close to his body ... finally aiming and pulling the trigger for the kill shot...

Well I'm sure HE imagines it that way. Except he's not bleeding. And his uniform is immaculate. And he's not hiding behind trees. There's a luminescence that surrounds him as he proudly walks (just a few inches above the ground) toward the cowering bin Laden, and with an almost imperceptible gesture from one finger he draws the life out of him.