Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I've been largely ignoring "Plantgate" -- where Clinton staffers apparently planted a questioner at one of her ... uh, town hall, or whatever -- campaign stops.

I don't want to accuse anyone of anything, but I would venture to say that she is not the first politician to do this.

My interest was mildly piqued this afternoon when I heard on Bob Parks' program what the "question in question" was... and it happened to be an AGW question. And I'd heard this morning that another person had come forward who had been given a question at one event but time ran out before they got to him.

But this... this looks like it's pretty systemic. It looks like Ms. Animatronics needs some high, fat pitches to hit out of the ballpark with prepared answers to appear strong in her convictions about "the issues that matter™", especially after her not being sure about whether or not illegal aliens should get drivers' licenses.

Speaking of issues that matter, I heard one I liked from Newt Gingrich last night on Fox... I think every candidate should be asked this question:

"Do you believe English should be the official language of our government?"
I'd sure like to hear the various answers to that one. He also said there were 11 other such issues listed on a new site I'm guessing he has his fingers in, Americansolutions.Com. Matter of fact, this is pretty good. Go out here and see how much of this you agree with.

I like what I've seen so far.

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