(both graphs are clickable for a larger view)

It's been said that a democracy can only exist until the people discover that they can vote themselves money from the treasury (apparently this gets attributed to Ben Franklin a lot, but others say the original author hasn't been traced .. still, it goes back 50 years and clearly there's some serious logic to it). And clearly, we're there.
Barak and Hillary and most Democrats basic philosophy is to deliver the goods to those voters, making that bar to the far left of the chart ever taller. But they don't want you to think about where it comes from. Taxes on We the People.
Speaking of that, just where do those taxes come from -- how is the load spread out?
Mostly the poor? Middle class? Theories abound. Most talk about the rich stickin' it to the middle class and the poor forgotten and trodden upon by the golden slippers of the upper class.
But it ain't true. It's propaganda designed to cause resentment so that the people will vote for still more taxes to be taken from those who pay them.
I've posted this before, but -- I see these numbers over and over again (got these from the IRS's web site) ... the top 1% of income earners pay about 23% of the taxes. The top 10% pay just at half the taxes. Leaving the other 90% of America to pay the other half of the taxes.
Higher taxes put a drag on the economy. Increased capital gains taxes actually cost the government real money. And they cost jobs. Even Barak admitted this when confronted with it. But he uttered something about increasing them in the name of "fairness" anyway.
So less money for social programs, fewer jobs, and more taken from those who produce... but it's fair because we're stickin' it to those we are supposed to resent.
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