Friday, December 02, 2005

Welcome Daniel in Brookline

(and IraqTheGoodStuff).

I don't put a lot of links on my "blogroll". There's a reason for that. I think too many are overwhelming, for one thing. A few good links and links to like minds and you can branch out from there.

However -- I think I have adopted Daniel as my blog buddy. Kind of like a "Sister City", only he's not a woman. (not that there's anything wrong with women -- I happen to be a big fan of them.)

Why? Well, it seems to me that his outlook on life is very much like mine. This realization struck home when I read his post-Thanksgiving post . Now that's a well-centered, decent guy.

Besides, he's patted me on the head a couple of times and it gives me the warm-fuzzies. A little small-time blogger like me. Gorsh!

We dig Thanksgiving in our household. Hopefully it will never be replaced with "National Gratitude Day" and have the main course suggestion changed to "Tofu Tofurkey". Not in our house it won't.

The other link I have added to the left (hmmm... maybe I should switch which side I put those links on... ;-) ) is... Iraq, The Good Stuff.

It is actually a new blog of mine. It was inspired by correspondences with my step-son who is in Iraq right now with the 6th CAG unit of the USMC. I'd been thinking about it, and then I read an editorial by Mona Charen. That did it. This stuff has simply got to be shared.

I don't expect it to be an overly active blog, as it isn't supposed to be a political discussion blog -- more of a "hey, looky here!". I welcome suggestions for links to stories of goodwill and progress in Iraq. That is all that will make it onto that blog. Maybe if I get enough it WILL be an active blog. True stories, with a preference to first and second hand stories. I will try my best to keep too many snide comments about what opinions I'm countering to a minimum. But you know... a few slip through. Sorry about that.


Daniel in Brookline said...

Thanks, Phil!

(And hey, don't sell yourself short with this "little small-time blogger" stuff. I've been blogging for a little over a year, I've never had an Instalanche, and I still smile in delight when someone comments or links to me. Woohoo! I wrote something, and somebody read it!)

Keep going, Phil. You've got some great stuff here.

all the best,

Daniel in Brookline said...

Thanks, Phil!

(And hey, don't sell yourself short with this "little small-time blogger" stuff. I've been blogging for a little over a year, I've never had an Instalanche, and I still smile in delight when someone comments or links to me. Woohoo! I wrote something, and somebody read it!)

Keep going, Phil. You've got some great stuff here.

all the best,